Comic Books A: Action Comics, Adventure Comics, The Adventures Of Bob Hope, Amazing Adventures, The Amazing Spider-Man, Angel & The Ape, Arrgh!, Astonishing Tales, The Avengers

Comic Books B-C: Batman, Black Panther, Boy Commandos, The Brave and The Bold, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Challengers of the Unknown, Chamber of Darkness, Conan The Barbarian, Creatures On The Loose

Comic Books D-F: Daredevil, DC Comics Presents, DC Special, The Defenders, The Demon, Detective Comics, Doc Savage, Doctor Strange, Epic Illustrated, The Eternals, Fantastic Four, Fear, First Issue Special, Forbidden Tales of Dark Mansion, Forever People, The Fox and The Crow, Frankenstein

Comic Books G-I: Godzilla, Green Lantern, Heavy Metal, The House of Mystery, The House of Secrets, Howard The Duck, Howard The Duck magazine (1979), The Human Fly, The Incredible Hulk, The Invaders, Iron Man

Comic Books J-L: Journey Into Mystery, Jungle Action, Justice Inc., Kamandi, King Conan, Kull The Conqueror

Comic Books M-O: Machine Man,  The Man-Thing, Marvel Feature, Marvel Premiere, Marvel Spotlight, Marvel Super Special (The Beatles Story), Marvel Team-Up, Marvel Two-In-One, Master Of Kung Fu, Mister Miracle, Monsters Unleashed, Moon Knight, Ms. Marvel, The New Gods, Nova

Comic Books P-S: The Phantom Stranger, The Rampaging Hulk, Red Sonja, The Sandman, The Savage She Hulk, Secrets Of Sinister House, The Silver Surfer (1978 softcover book), The Spectacular Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, Steve Canyon (Kitchen Sink), Sub-Mariner, Superboy, Super DC Giant, Superman, Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen, Super-Villain Team-Up

Comic Books T-Z: Tales Of Asgard, Tales To Astonish (volume 2), Teen Titans, Thor, The Tomb of Dracula, 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Unexpected, Vampirella, Weird Worlds, What If, The Witching Hour, World's Finest, X-Men

Other Stuff: Marvel Super-Hero buttons (1975), Comics Journal magazine, Slaughterhouse magazine

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