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1970s Reviews
Gizmos Fave Raves '76
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Except where noted, all original text & art ©2010 Eddie Flowers


"Jailbait Janet!
 She's the best girl on the planet!"
Jailbait Janet, unknown teenager, Krazee Ken Highland. 1973? '74?

"The first time I met Janet she came to my house
I was only sweet 16 and quiet as a mouse
Nine months later I was swingin' from a rafter
And it was me and Bill that she went chasin' after"

"IN MY ROOM" circa 1972: Krazee Ken Highland, Brockport, New York. Note Creem magazine, MC5 8-track, Animals LP, & Faces poster.
"IN MY ROOM" circa 1975: Jailbait Janet poses for boyfriend Bill Rowe's camera in his bedroom. Note Bowie, Kiss, and Black Oak Arkansas posters.


"Janet had to choose and Bill he was the winner
She made her big choice when we all saw Johnny Winter
She got her first kiss during 'Rock & Roll Hootchie Coo'!"

Jim Dandy and Jailbait Janet, circa 1974.
Bill Rowe and Jim Dandy, circa 1974.

"Jailbait Janet" written by Ken Highland.
 ©1977, 2000 Gizmo Music (BMI).
 Originally released on the Afrika Korps' MUSIC TO KILL BY LP, 1977.
 Demo version released on the Gizmos' DEMOS & REHEARSALS 1975-1977 double CD, 2000.

was another Highland tune by the Afrika Korps. Here she is in Woonsocket, Rhode Island, 1975 or very early '76. (Yes, another Kiss poster!) There's also a tune about Lorraine and her friend Diane called "Woonsocket Women," available on the Gizmos' DEMOS & REHEARSALS.

TED NIEMIEC. Indiana high school, 1974?
KEN HIGHLAND. Brockport (NY) High School, graduation 1974.
EDDIE FLOWERS. Jackson, Alabama, 1972. A couple years before I dropped out.
Kiss tongue-man Gene Simmons, circa 1974, sends a message to Krazee Ken Highland, who wrote this high-falutin' review under a now-forgotten pseudonym (PW?).
©1958. Donated to the Slippy Town Collection by Greg Hajic.

Jackson, Alabama, 1968-1969. On the left is  DAVID  RIKARD, with plastic fangs, shades and G.I. hat fresh from my older brother's  hitch in Vietnam, and the toy guitar he used to make up a riff that  would be  remembered by me and played to Ken Highland many years later, which  Ken would  use for his tune "Talkin' on the Telephone." On the right is yours  truly,  EDDIE FLOWERS, looking paisley for the camera at Joe M. Gillmore Elementary  School. With me banging on my Slingerland marching-band drum (later used for the Rockabilly Yobs session released on the Gizmos' DEMOS & REHEARSALS  1975-1977 double CD) and David leaning my cousin Tommy's Silvertone guitar  up against its amp (built into the guitar case!), we created our masterpiece  and theme song, "Diesel Airplane," several minutes of free-clatter feedback-rock  inspired by side 4 of the Mothers' FREAK-OUT! and side 2 of the Plastic Ono  Band's LIVE PEACE IN TORONTO We also did an early version of "Lake Daddy Jim," later re-written for Crawlspace and available on THE EXQUISITE FUCKING BEAUTY OF CRAWLSPACE LP.