SLIPPY TOWN This Week's Update NEW & COLLECTIBLE SOUNDS FOR SALE New CDs For Sale Collectible & Used CDs For Sale New 12" Vinyl For Sale Collectible & Used 12" Vinyl For Sale 10" Vinyl For Sale New 7" Vinyl For Sale Collectible & Used 7" Vinyl For Sale 8-Track, Cassette, & VHS Tapes For Sale Fanzines / Mags / Books For Sale Promo Items For Sale Comic Books For Sale CRAWLSPACE Crawlspace Biography Discography & Mail Order Crawlspace at MySpace THE GIZMOS Bio, Photos, & Press 1970s Reviews Gizmos Fave Raves '76 Comix by Ken Highland Pre-Giz Pix (etc.) HOME / SLIPPY TOWN TIMES Except where noted, all original text & art ©2008 Eddie Flowers 16473 McKeever Street Granada Hills CA 91344 USA |
A Few Words of Explanation - - - - - Hey. Come on in, there ain't nobody here but me. Welcome to the new online version of Slippy Town Times. STT was originally a fanzine kinda thing I did from 1996 through 1999 (six issues total), not counting a couple years before that of variously titled Slippy Town newsletters (don't remember how many). Like the original Slippy Town Times (as well as L.A. Blues, which I did in the 1980s), the "coverage" will be of whatever strikes my fancy. Words, art, pix, opinions, archival stuff. In fact, this first "issue" of the "mag" will include some old stuff that until recently was available through this website on different "pages." Um, yeah, like the Creme Soda Q&A and '74 Rock Writers Symposium (no honestly, I did NOT write it--I wish I'd been there!). Plus I'm giving you lucky humans an online version of Teenstar 69, a Slippy Town-"related" publication from circa 1999 that reached not too many folks. Now, here 'tis for the entire world. Dig it. Anyway, that's enough "intro." Now git down to the forever sound of Slippy Town. Rock out! And don't fergit yr boogie. . . . ![]() The awesome Candy Samples will live forever in my dreams. * * * SLIPPY TOWN TIMES: Intro Stuff I Been Listenin' To Stuff I Been Watchin' Spam Pomes: Junk Email, Unedited (& Uncredited) Stooges in St. Louis 1974 photos by Bruce Cole Creme Soda Q&A 1974 1974 Rock Writers Symposium in Buffalo NY by anonymous Outro BONUS BURGER: Teenstar 69 online reprint |