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Except where noted, all original text & art ©2008 Eddie Flowers
16473 McKeever Street
Granada Hills CA 91344


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PayPal and money orders accepted. Will ship worldwide.

I See Faint Fireflies September Dim
(Imvated; Belgium) CDR $9
Imvated catalog: "An overwhelming bedtime story straight outa Kraagistan. Scott, the good duud behind the MANG DISC label, delivering the good vibes for 78 minutes. one take. flies, wood, a dog, fire and vocals. comes in a multicolor cover with loads of inserts."
Vol. 1 (Metamorphos; Finland) $11
Contemporary garage/Detroit-influenced rock band from Finland. Released 1998.
Graven Image (Corwood Industries) $7
Twenty-third Jandek album and first CD-only release from 1994.
Lock32 (Carbon Records) CDR $8
Carbon catalog: "a release inspired by the cyclical patterns of lock32 on the Erie Canal System. Joe+4 is Joe Tunis of Hilkka's solo joint. Covering mostly ambient and stark trajectories with guitar, static, found sounds and lots of effects. This release conjures up a brooding and unnerving atmosphere. Some tracks might bring to mind Jandek or Loren Mazzacane Connors at their most lonesome and desolate." Yep. Yea. Two big toes up.
Exposure and Experience (Carbon Records) $8
The continuing adventures of Joe Tunis in his exploratory solo mode. Some of the guitar plunk here is not too far from Jandek, but there's also interesting ambient things, sound investigations, field recordings, loud guitar things, piano, etc.
E+E (Live) (Carbon Records) CDR $8
Joe Tunis's day-long "tour" in celebration of his Exposure and ExperienceCD. Instead of the usual club-listening-party, Joe tossed some equipment in the back of his jeep and headed for jam sessions with nature at Lock32 of the Erie Canal System, in a local park, beside railroad tracks, at a record store, and on a radio show. In each location, Joe recorded ambient sounds before his performance, which he would then play back and incorporate into the next performance. So, while the artist plunks at guitar and twiddles knobs, we also hear birds and insects, floating conversation, trains and children--moving from location to location, juxtaposed into new realities, chucklin' up swell sounds, moving this CD beyond any mere "conceptual" status. Limited edition of 100, hand-packaged and numbered in DVD cases, with booklet detailing the "tour."
Post (Carbon Records) CDR $8
Carbon catalog: "A compilation of found tape experiments and field recordings from the past couple years. Ranges from full-out drone guitar/reverb to underwater mic'ing. Limited edition of 64, hand-packaged and numbered in recycled LP sleeves. Includes block-printed logo on cover and painted 'vinyl art' (recycled LPs)." Real good stuff by Joe Tunis, in an impressive homemade package.
Introducing Something to the System (Carbon Records) CDR $8
Mr. Joe Tunis workin' up a noisy sweat, "harsh" but listenable as heck (from where I'm sittin'), sparsely arranged/edited sounds, with the emphasis on loud and sudden. I likes. Tell us about it, Joe: "5 tracks of field recordings and ultra-harsh electronics. no instruments were used on this recording. constructed entirely using a portable MiniDisc recorder, contact mics, Behringer mixer and patch cords. [limited edition of 50, each packaged in a kraft envelope with unique artwork on each. hand numbered]"
Patterns+Space (Carbon Records) 3" mini-CDR $5
Oh yeah, this is a good 'un--got them lonely railroad blues. Here's what Carbon Joe sez: "clocking in at 17+ minutes. contains field recordings of trains, space between trains, echos of trains and some guitar for good measure. an experiment in the (unintentional) patterns around us, day to day, and the spaces in-between. [limited edition of 75, each packaged in a mini jewel-case. 25 different images were used. numbered by design.]"
Day-Tours (Carbon Records) 3CDR $15
Carbon catalog: "celebrating the 3rd annual Joe+N day-tour, this box set includes recordings from the previous 2 day-tours. specifically, it includes all the live performances from day-tour 2001 and all the field recordings from day-tour 2000. a collection of solo guitar, homemade instruments, found sounds, and musique concrete. also features collaborations with John Schoen (of Pengo) and Chad Oliveiri. 3 CDRs packaged in a handmade wooden box (6"x6"x1") with silkscreened front and back. numbered edition of 50."
Oil Leaks and Cicadas (Carbon Records) CDR $8
Reissue of a limited-edition lathe-cut 12-inch. Recorded on a trip to Austin in 2001, Joe Tunis uses guitar, amp, cheap tape recorder, sampler/delay pedal, and a cello bow to create half an hour of low buzz, bluesy pickin', and lucky glitches. High-quality snazz.
Selector: AM or Party Tape for Adults Only or Is This Thing Supposed to Do That? (Carbon Records) CDR $8
What the hell you doin' in the other room, junior?! Stop playin' with that damn radio before it drives everybody crazy! (Equipment used by J.  Tunis: Panasonic 8-track AM/FM stereo, Don Rickles 8-track tape, AM dial, Sharp MT831 MiniDisc recorder, and RCA to 1/8" stereo cord.) All right, that's better . . . a little calm  around he-- GodDAMN! There it goes again! Turn that shit off! (Recorded 06.12.2001 - 1:20AM.) Fool thinks he's makin' music or somethin' tunin' them dials and turnin' up the bad parts. Ma, I think that boy's retarded. . . . (Edition of 75. This is one of the most random, and least "musical," pieces of whatsis I've heard in a long time. Even when pop music comes in on the radio, it's so random as to become just another sound among others. The kinda thing that most people would never consider "art," much less sit through. I like this a lot!) Aggggghhhhh! (Released 2002.)
Live at Christchurch (Carbon Records) CDR $8
10YR.Series.01: first in Carbon Records' 10-year anniversary CDR series. This features 17+ minutes of Joe Tunis (Carbon boss, Pengo, etc.) on solo guitar, feedback, and piano. Nice low-key float. Yep. Released 2004.
Crickets and Friends (Carbon Records) 2CDR $12
Here's a very hep 'n wiggy 2 disc'r from Joe Tunis, recordings of crickets in upstate NY mixed in with his pals Marc Faris, Lee Jones, Patrick LePlante, Rudy Millian, and Ella Tunis. The full scoop from Joe: "this is a recording of a sound-installation created for a photo exhibit by Kate Laux, entitled Self-Portrait Collaborations. 'the project began 4 years ago as a way to stay connected with friends and family as i moved, travelled and moved. i would mail out rolls of film or disposable cameras and ask my collaborators to shoot self-portraits. the collaborators were instructed to mail the film back to me. i processed/printed their film and mailed them proofs or contact sheets. i created a new project by responding to my collaborators work in whatever way my collaborator chose, unless they gave no indication of how i should respond. my collaborators are aware that these works will be exhibited.' borrowing from Kate's theme of request-for-submission/collaboration, i asked various people i know to record themselves and/or their surroundings, and send me the results. i did not restrcit them to any theme, format or content. i, in turn, recoded my surroundings in the weeks leading up to this exhibit. the majority of my recordings were based on night-time sounds around my house, primarily crickets. on 3 straight nights, i recorded the flower garden below my front porch, where a cricket set up camp. i used small microphones, which i was able to lower into the plant field and maneuver in close proxmity to the cricket, without disturbing it. aside from the obvious macro-drones of the cricket songs, i also heard an entire set of new sounds i've never noticed. clicks, pops, static, the sound of the cricket starting and stopping its song, anomalies in its rhythm and other 'disturbances.' i then took these source recordings and laid them out in such a way as to juxtapose my friends describing themselves or their surroundings, and the cricket 'describing' my surrounding." Released 2004.

Joshua Jugband 5/Damascus Doldrum (Gulcher Records) $11

Joshua Jugband 5 was the name used by Swedish musician Jakob Olausson for two limited-edition CDRs a few years back. In 2002, the self-titled JJ5 debut was released by my label Slippy Town. Recorded at home on 4-track, Jakob used guitar and percussion to make 30 minutes of pure grade-"L" instrumental psych-out, low-key wall-rumblin' groove, and heavy livin'-room glow. The disc contained four untitled jam-gems. The JJ5 follow-up, Damascus Doldrum, was released by Ramadan in 2003. This one has three more untitled tracks clocking in at just over 30 minutes. Again, it's filled with great psych guitar distortion, dirty drone 'n bellow, caveman drums, and unknown tongues. The third track is a doozy within the midst of the dooz: hovering low-end joy slowly waking like a very murkadelic Jeffersilver Airship jam. Cymbal tap-tappin', and dig that rubber-band guitar sustain. Open, the window, ma--I want my head shoveled. Sure feels good. If you dig the Godz, the Screamin' Mee-Mees, Silver Apples, the Twinkeyz, Mike Rep & the Quotas, Hawkwind, Amon Duul I (etc) . . . here's some MORE, but without all the words to get in the way of your wander. And now, thanks to the good folk at Gulcher, you can get these two long-gone goodies on a silver disc that'll last longer than them dainty little CDRs. Since the release of the two Joshua Jugband 5 CDRs, Jakob has moved into a more outsider-folk bag, releasing a solo LP under his own name and another with his girlfriend as Sus & Jakob.