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Except where noted, all original text & art ©2008 Eddie Flowers
16473 McKeever Street
Granada Hills CA 91344


New CDs For Sale 'A'
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New CDs For Sale 'U - V'
New CDs For Sale 'W - Z'


PayPal and money orders accepted. Will ship worldwide.

1980-1981: I Wanna Kill My Mom!!! (Gulcher Records) $11
After the original Gizmos were long gone, and Dale Lawrence was leading the late-edition 'Mos in Bloomington, this band of high-school goofs appeared on the "scene." They released one inspired slice of teen punk in 1981. "I Wanna Kill My Mom," "Best Band" ("We're the best band in Bloomington/And we buy our drugs on the courthouse lawn"), and a cover of the Ted-era Gizmos' "Tie Me Up, Baby!" use the raw elements of Anglo punk, the Ramones, and second-hand garage-isms to create a burst of greasy kid stuff that has the same feel as early Red Cross on Posh Boy or the Shirkers' great "Drunk and Disorderly"/"Suicide" single. This disc contains the Panics' one 7-inch; their cut from Gulcher's 1981 Red Snerts comp LP; '81 demo of lo-fi art-damage punk from a Panics off-shoot called Johnny Esad & the Music Killers; an entire live set from '80 comprised mostly of covers (Ramones, Kinks, later Gizmos, Sex Pistols, most of the cover songs from The Great Rock'n'Roll Swindle); four songs from a 2000 reunion show.
When It's Dark and It's Summer (Hive-Fi Recordings; Canada) $10
Somber pop-like stuff from a Canadian bunch led by songwriter Nick Krgovich. The arrangements are surprisingly tight, with an emphasis on acoustic instruments. But there are also touches of synth beep and guitar feedback.
Miami Made a Mess of Me (Carbon Records) CDR $8
Detuned sound-findin' horn-bellowin' cymbal-tappin' spaciousness, clatter, and brain damage that comes in a handy air-sickness bag with special little sticker and hand-scrawled art. Limited edition of 100. Carbon catalog explains: "In August of 2000 upstate New York's purveyors of avant garde drone Pengo, played a series of shows in Miami, Florida with free jazz legend Arthur Doyle. One of the bands that Pengo also played with was the infamous Laundry Room Squelchers. The final night of Pengo's stay in Miami was spent playing a show and then heading downtown to EyeQ radio. There they played live over the radio and were then joined by the Squelchers for a bombastic and over the top two band jam session."
Tumbleweed (Captain Trip Records; Japan) $12
Solo CD by sometime Blue Cheer member and brother of Blue Cheer mainman Dickie Peterson. Released 2000.
Latex Duellos (Bar La Muerte/Megaplomb; Italy) $12
Precision skronk and heavily angled not-jazz from a rippin' Italian trio of guitar, bass, and drums (plus sax and electronics added on a couple tracks). Mostly instrumental, with some well-placed rock-like vocals, feels like the mutant chillen of Don Van Vliet and Robert Fripp turnin' this stuff into delectable almost kinda sorta pop music. Super slinky guitar spasms leap outta weird time changes worthy of a few real head scratches. Feels like another train to loveland, kids. Yeah.
(Playground Productions) $9
1996 CD by current Blue Cheer guitarist Andrew "Duck" Macdonald's band
. . . And the Gods They Play (DMZ) $9
1998 CD by current Blue Cheer guitarist Andrew "Duck" Macdonald's band
Concrete (Humbug; Norway) CDR $11
Humbug catalog: "Before relocating to the UK earlier this year, Mr. Wright finished this fourth Polio release back in Christchurch, New Zealand. CONCRETE is an apt title; these are digital deconstructions of recordings made live in a bunker (apparently before an audience as distant chatter is heard on the last track), and to my mind there's a palpable sense of weight, gravity. Exquisitely layered and hallucinatory. Drone music supreme."
Babylard/Penfruit (RPP; UK) CDR $11
This disc contains the first two EPs, from 2001/2002, by the Leeds-based trio prpGROUP (Ashley, Cloughy, and Riz on drums, bass, guitar, electronics, etc.). prpGROUP is a ROCK group--full of noise and dirt and outside visions--but ROCK nonetheless. They use the basic elements of R&R aggression and non-song spontaneiety to beat down the walls in a very satisfying manner. The guitars and bass sometimes churn away like metal--and there's plenty of great skittering polyrhythmic un-funky funk-like propulsion--and fields of pure spacewarpnoise--but this doesn't sound like what you think from that description. Explosive (non-)punk (non-)metal (non-)prog (etc.). This is real real real good, pummelheads. And just the right non-idiot vibe, with an understanding of the difference between noise that moves and infantile screaming (this is NOT the latter). Right fuggin' on! Here's the prpGROUP statement of purpose: "prpGROUP rose phoenixly from the still steaming entrails of RANCID POULTRY, discarding the latter's fixation with freerock improv and setting our sights on building a monstrous scuzzriffing weirdscape machine (ie: RP with all the boring bits taken out). We have come to rescue music from the prettified wallpap of noodling nincompoops and the vacuous pantomime posturings of nu-metal ninnies. Remember, rock is hardened dirt, pressed till it melts--hot and oozing--or crackles with piezo-brilliance." prpGROUP catalog description of BABYLARD: "tumblingriffsong; razorthrub electro-melange tribalism climaxes and arrests, plunging into stomping bassbounce spazzmoog and jerkguitar; cerebrasive mental-floss twanged by uber-riff drops you into an insectinfected chasm and swings you back out again just before twatting you down hard on the coldsteel tundra." prpGROUP catalog description of  PENFRUIT: "fridgic squeal slices into preposterous proggist polyrhythms; dysdisco beats mutate into rockistposturings then explode digi-shards through falling scaffolding; punkprogriffage, dictaphonedub then earwax clears for atonally beautiful livewire dancing over a warm dronebath."
Snib/Sun Pie in a Custard Sky (RPP; UK) CDR $11
Third ('02) and fourth ('03) CDR EPs, together on one disc, from prpGROUP. And that means more big blasts of post-everything ROCK from this white-hot Leeds trio. Riff-a-rama, rock-solid grooves, total space attack--the relaxed parts come acorss like ultra-hypno-Krautrock. Git gone. prpGROUP statement of purpose: "prpGROUP rose phoenixly from the still steaming entrails of RANCID POULTRY, discarding the latter's fixation with freerock improv and setting our sights on building a monstrous scuzzriffing weirdscape machine (ie: RP with all the boring bits taken out). We have come to rescue music from the prettified wallpap of noodling nincompoops and the vacuous pantomime posturings of nu-metal ninnies. Remember, rock is hardened dirt, pressed till it melts--hot and oozing--or crackles with piezo-brilliance." prpGROUP catalog description of SNIB: "jackbooted punkrautstomp anchors barely controlled korgmoog squeal; percussion scutters over a quagmiric herzpool hunting maudlin electrospurts; noxious japyelp blues slashstumble; vibromantic soundscape; organous phasescrub; klatteritualistic beatbox and snarefrub summon primaudial spectres." prpGROUP catalog description of SUN PIE IN A CUSTARD SKY: "blisterfinger buzzbass spattered over sheets and splinters of tetanus-soaked rustguitar and yompimg drumlumps, fractures into tonechonks snarestorms and rimchatter, then a galumphing rubberwire tomthrob pecked at by electroncloud flutterbeaks."
Soilpipe (RPP; UK) CDR EP $8
Hey, what's that?! Sounds like the unreleased follow-up to Black Flag's instro EP THE PROCESS OF WEEDING OUT. No, man, it's the fifth EP from Leeds out-rockers prpGROUP. 22 minutes, eight "songs." Truth is, it quickly leaves Flag country, adding high-end guitar (or synth?) dweedle and a machine-like drum beat that veers closer to Krautrock--but still sounds like prpGROUP. Then it does other things--never stop movin'. Larks tongue 'n heavy meddle----screamin' blue reds 'n blacks----guitars devour yer head. More! prpGROUP statement of purpose: "prpGROUP rose phoenixly from the still steaming entrails of RANCID POULTRY, discarding the latter's fixation with freerock improv and setting our sights on building a monstrous scuzzriffing weirdscape machine (ie: RP with all the boring bits taken out). We have come to rescue music from the prettified wallpap of noodling nincompoops and the vacuous pantomime posturings of nu-metal ninnies. Remember, rock is hardened dirt, pressed till it melts--hot and oozing--or crackles with piezo-brilliance." prpGROUP catalog description of SOILPIPE: "krimzoid stringslash lurches into miasmic tinkle, boingbass and blattery soaked in cybervoids and caustic laminates, chaotic rock interjection preludes pounding polymetres hack/slice/jerk and stringstrangle swell fuzzstorm, chug-chug-kwoosh-
chug-blannggg, mellifluous mellotronics and cheeky peeps send you off to sleeps..."