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Collectible & Used 12" Vinyl For Sale

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Collectible & Used 7" Vinyl  For Sale

8-Track, Cassette, & VHS Tapes For Sale

Fanzines / Mags / Books For Sale

Promo Items For Sale

Comic Books For Sale

Crawlspace Biography
Discography & Mail Order

Crawlspace at MySpace

Bio, Photos, & Press
1970s Reviews
Gizmos Fave Raves '76
Comix by Ken Highland
Pre-Giz Pix (etc.)

Except where noted, all original text & art ©2010 Eddie Flowers
All items are originals -- not reproductions.

Promo Items For Sale 'A'
Promo Items For Sale 'B'
Promo Items For Sale 'C'
Promo Items For Sale 'D'
Promo Items For Sale 'E'
Promo Items For Sale 'F'
Promo Items For Sale 'G'
Promo Items For Sale 'H'
Promo Items For Sale 'I - J'
Promo Items For Sale 'K'
Promo Items For Sale 'M'
Promo Items For Sale 'N - O'
Promo Items For Sale 'P - Q'
Promo Items For Sale 'R'
Promo Items For Sale 'S'
Promo Items For Sale 'T'
Promo Items For Sale 'U - V'
Promo Items For Sale 'W - Z'


PayPal and money orders accepted. Will ship worldwide.

RONNIE LANE 1975 one-sheet & bio $14

1975 promo items from A&M Records -- one-sheet promoting Ronnie Lane's Slim Chance album; full-color, printed on glossy paper, punched binder holes on left of sheet are original; and 2-page bio on heavy paper.

Excellent Condition

THE LAST / THE GEARS concert poster 1980 $40
Poster for the Last and the Gears live at The Starwood in Hollywood on February 26, 1980. Poster is 11" x 17"; heavy paper; black type on gray background. The artwork shows leather-clad punks on the left side of the poster exchanging taunts with long-haired hippies on the right side of the poster!

Excellent Condition; minor crease on bottom right corner


THE LAST 1988 press kit $20

Promo items from SST Records -- 8x10 glossy photo and 4-page booklet. Booklet is single pages stapled together in upper left corner and contains a 3-page bio written by Joe Nolte.

Excellent/Near Mint Condition

LAUGHING HYENAS 1987 press kit $20

From Touch & Go Records. 8x10 glossy photo plus 7-page booklet with reprints of reviews from The Village Voice, Motorbooty, Phfudd, Creem, Fun (Detroit), The Michigan Daily, etc.

Near Mint Condition

THE LAZY COWGIRLS 1985 flyer $15

Flyer for L.A.-area gigs in March and April 1985 at Madame Wong's West in Santa Monica; All American Tavern in Hollywood; The Goldmine in Redondo Beach; and The Blue Lagoon in Marina Del Rey. Standard 8.5" x 11"; white paper; offset-printed (not xerox).

Near Mint Condition

THE LAZY COWGIRLS 1987 press booklet $15

1987 press booklet; 9 pages stapled in upper left corner. With testimonials from yours truly Eddie Flowers (liner notes for their first LP on Enigma), Byron Coley (Forced Exposure gig review), Chris Stigliano (another Forced Exposure review), Bomp Records' Paul Grant, Jeff Spurrier (L.A. Times article), KCSB DJ Eric Stone, Chris Morris (L.A. Reader plugs), Thrasher, etc. + uncredited interview and lots of photos.  Near mint condition; front cover (see photo) is reproduced much worse than the interior pages, although all of the photos have a murky high-contrast look--probably xeroxed and then re-xeroxed--all very much in the spirit of the Cowgirls!

Near Mint Condition


The Lazy Cowgirls and Secret Spot (members of The Surf Punks) live August 29, 1986 at Morro Bay Vet's Hall -- 10" x 15" poster; black and white with red spot color (see picture).

Excellent Condition; originally folded but stored flat; no tears, tape marks, or staple holes


8.5" x 11" flyer for the Lazy Cowgirls, the Hard-Ons, and Bhang Revival on August 13, 1988 at the Anti-Club in Hollywood.

VG/VG+ condition; originally folded but stored flat; the folds created very noticeable horizontal lines on the cheap photocopy; name and address on back bleed through

LEAVING TRAINS 8x10 promo photo from SST Records circa 1987 $10

SST promo photo with this line-up of The Leaving Trains: Falling James, Eric Stringer, Sam Merrick, and Bruce Gunnell.

Near Mint Condition

THE LEFT END 1974 press kit $35

1974 press kit from Polydor Records for Cleveland glam-rockers The Left End. 8x10 glossy photo; 2-sided bio with band pic on front; 2-sided reprint of review by David "Crocus Behemoth" Thomas (Pere Ubu/Rocket From The Tombs) from THE SCENE; 1-sheet with reprints of reviews from VARIETY and RECORD WORLD.

Near Mint Condition

JERRY LEE LEWIS 1982 press kit $19

1982 press kit from MCA Records. With 8x10 glossy photo and reprint of "Forty-Seven and Holding" 3-page article by Paul Hemphill from Atlanta Magazine. The article is printed as a 4-page booklet, on heavy stock, with MCA Records information on the 4th page.

Near Mint Condition

LL COOL J 1987 promo photo $16

8x10 glossy promo photo from Def Jam/Columbia Records.

Near Mint Condition

IAN LLOYD & STORIES 1974 press kit $20
Two 8x10 glossy photos; 3-page Buddah Records bio; 1-page Buddah sheet on the single "Another Love"; inside glossy Buddah folder

Excellent/Near Mint Condition

LOVE AND ROCKETS press kit for Seventh Dream Of Teenage Heaven $15

RCA Records promo items: 8x10 glossy promo photo and 2-page press release announcing the U.S. release of Seventh Dream Of Teenage Heaven.

Near Mint Condition